Saturday, November 14, 2009

Are online college degrees legitamate?

I was wondering if degrees online such as from the University of Phoenix are legitamate, useful degrees? I'm a recreation and tourism major in my second year of college. I would like to work for the park service once I graduate and currently work for them during the summer. So I'll have my four year recreation and tourism degree from a four year university. But I might like to do law enforcement within the park service. I was thinking taking some classes online or else from a nearby tech college since my college doesn't have a criminal justice program. I could take classes at the tech college during the summer. My question is would an employer look at a degree from one of these online colleges such as the University of Phoenix and consider it to be a authentic and also giving me the qualifications I need? I realize alot of these so called online degrees could be fake, so I'd ask my college's academic advising center before I enrolled in an online college.

Are online college degrees legitamate?
Finding an accredited online degree program can be a task these days. There are so many for profit online based colleges that don't focus on education, and how importance it is to give there students the same level taught degree as major universities. Start by looking at the distance education that your own state university has. If they do not offer the classes you want, then look at others. Most of the time, state universities will be less expensive than any for-profit online program that you might see offered on the internet.
Reply:Most are not. They will take your money and give you a fake degree, if you get caught by your employer you could be fired.

University of Phoenix is legitimate, my Dad went to it.

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