Saturday, November 14, 2009

Online coures and transcript?

I'm currently attending a CC and was thinking about enrolling into a couple of online course next semester to expedite my graduation date; now, my main concern is how will the university I'm interested in perceive those credits? Will they show up any different than classes I actually sit in for? My major is pharmacy and I understand that Creighton has an online or distance pharmacy program, so I'm thinking online classes shouldn't really be frowned upon, right?

I've also read some where that online courses shouldn't be any problems if they're taken at an accredited CC or Univ, but not an online school like the Univ of Phoenix. I just don't want to waste any time taking classes that are not transferable...

Any help?

Online coures and transcript?
I don't think it matters if it's an online course or not, as long as it's a real school with a real building and not some BS school that is just out to make money.

I've actually heard that some online classes are actually harder than classes you have to sit through (depends on professor, obviously) and I don't think it will have any impact on your University. If anything, good grades in online courses may show that you are disciplined enough to maintain classwork deadlines and work outside a structured environment.
Reply:In your case, they don't care and wont even investigate whether it's online or not. That's like asking if the school investigates who taught a course you took and penalizes you if the instructor was only a lecturer vs a full professor. It makes no difference. Only matters what the course sequence number is (i.e. Math 200) and as long as that sequence is the same as regular lecture classes then it's fine at the same institution it was earned at.

dental surgery

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