Saturday, November 14, 2009

For Online dating savvy People: How to play hard to get online?

Note: This is question is ONLY for people who are actually inclined to online date. I dont want to hear from people who have never online dated before telling me "You're such a moron! Everyone online is a pervert!" because that does not apply to my question :) and is little too old fashioned you know?

Question: I have been talking to someone online for about a month and he has expressed interest in me but he's really busy and always goes out on the weekends so we only talk a few times a week for maybe half an hour. I live in a really boring town so it seems I'm always online and I think I seem too available.

I've never played hard to get before, I've always been the one to approach and flirt with the guy first. I'm always waiting around for this guy to come on instant messenger. I want to do the same thing to him! Girls (and guys) what should i do? I've already bought a bunch of books to keep me preoccupied instead of checking my email :) How do I appear more mysterious?

For Online dating savvy People: How to play hard to get online?
"your a moron, don't go on-line" joking. To answer your question. I think the only way to play hard to get on-line, is to not respond so quickly IE:, if he e-mails, wait a bit to answer, a few hours or even a day...don't give him 100% of your time right from the start, he has to earn your time. Act yourself, don't put up a front, it's not sexy! Don't always tell him what he wants to hear and don't make him seem like the only man for you...I suggest to just go with the flow.

Good luck, Hope I helped
Reply:I would be very careful about getting to serious with him, because if he spends his weekends out away from the two of you, then need I say more?
Reply:dont go online and problem solved
Reply:I'm not fully sure, but my first guess would be not to give too much all at once, for starts.
Reply:As an online dating consultant, I see these questions all of the time. The truth is that you "play hard to get" the same way online as you would normally over the phone. You try to keep yourself busy! Also, sometimes wait a day before you respond to e-mails... If he asks why it took so long, then tell him that you went out with your friends and didn't check your e-mail for a while. Sometimes you can answer in the same day... but wait a day for most of them. When you notice that he is responding the same day for all of your e-mails, then you know that he is shifting his interests towards you.

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