Saturday, November 14, 2009

Civility Online, Do you support a Blogger's Code of Conduct?

Ever since online communication became popular, the feeling of anonymity has been cited as a reason why participants in online discussions let down their inhibitions and say things they wouldn't say in real life. Moreover, those inclined to issue threats, to stalk others, and to relentlessly torment the objects of their anger seem to amplify those practices online. Although fame is not a prerequisite for attracting such "trolls", people with a certain online celebrity status, particularly women, usually become the target of multiple trolls, and sometimes, the trolling leads to serious real-world danger.

Besides civility rules, what ideas do you have that might help alleviate the online civility problem? Or is enforcing online civility a hopeless cause?

Civility Online, Do you support a Blogger's Code of Conduct?
I have experience both, in real life and elife if I can get away with that term. Personally I think it should be up to the website or content owner. Such as Yahoo does run its own rules, which for what its worth I like. You don’t really have to worry about some admin stepping on your windpipe every time you generate a post here, which actually allows for a certain comfort level which I think allows for someone to actually put in whatever two cents they hold on a particular topic. If you make things to uptight people post in regards to the rules more then anything else, simply because they want to participate. Yahoo has many long term members that have in my opinion developed something of a community, which is great but I am sure just having those same people posting over and over again is not something Yahoo particularly wants in my opinion.

So with that in mind, simply banning foul language is a standard I can live with, but I do like to participate in boards where anything goes, and in terms of speaking on politics you can actually find out why some people support some issues and then of course start to see actual statistical patterns to such, because people are not speaking in fear really. It actually can be a real kick in the pants to go no holds bar on some sites, but that’s for other sites. Such as I don’t really see any threads attack bush on his support for industry or the consumer, ever really on this board, why this is IDK.
Reply:I support it! But enforcing it is a hopeless cause. I still support the effort, though. If you can keep even a handful of the trolls off, it is better than nothing. Most of them, however, will find a way around it.

tooth fairy

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