Saturday, November 14, 2009

Meeting people online?

I met a guy a few years back and we became friends..he always had every excuse in the book for why he didn't have pics or why he couldnt call me. I got tired of his excuses and gave up. He had too many online red flags. He was hiding some things he eventually admitted to. I remained friends to him, but not really. I would never have gotten in a relationship with him by just talking online. But I sitll wanted to be friends no matter what.

But his friend met me online and he acts alot like the first guy. I havent talked to him other than online also, but we are good friends and I don't have any hopes up about meeting offline but he wants to and I said not until we talk on the phone and I get more pics of him. Hes making me feel like sh!t because he puts a huge guilt trip on me saying I dont trust him.

I know how to keep myself safe online Im not really asking advice on that I just want to know what I should do now, talk to him online still or be a bad friend and walk away?

Meeting people online?
there are alot of great guys online you just have picked the wrong guys......there is a guy out there online thats better then thoes types of guys u been talking to are not worth it to be a bf or a friend trust me they are not treating you lik u should be treated.......if u want to talk add me on msn
Reply:you are not being a "bad friend" by asking for more information --- the guy should be happy to give you anything you ask for --- what has he got to hide??? ---- and if he is hiding something then he is not being a friend --- i have met ladies offline but they had seen pics of me and i had seen pics of them --- dont let yourself be put at risk if he is not telling the truth stay away from him ---- best wishes
Reply:walk away...he could be a 400 lb short bald white perverted guy
Reply:walking away dosent make you a bad friend in most cases it makes you smart id say tell him straight up dont throw the guilt s**t on me im not trusting of you because im not a 12 yr old girl on line with out my mommy knowing if he was smart he wouldnt trust you either why because thats how the world is now a days try that on for size and see what he says
Reply:He's probably married too,walk away.that's not being a bad friend it's being smart.*Good Luck*
Reply:Walk away. He could be a dirty old man pretending to be someone young.
Reply:who cares? walk away youve got nothing to loose....
Reply:Walk away. You are not being a "bad friend" by doing so, he has no right to make you feel guilty for not wanting to meet him.

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