Saturday, November 14, 2009

Parents restricting online uses of their children.?

Ok I have been hearing stories of many parents who only let their child on the internet or computer for an hour or 30 minutes a day. I have been trying to understand why parents restrict their children on so many things. I hear all this talk about parents being afraid of online predators. YES there are online predators lurking everywhere online. It is the parents job to raise their children the right way, what is taking every single thing away that can possibly hurt a child doing to them? It's making them weak.

If mommy takes takes control of a childs life they can NEVER be independant succesfully. A smart child online who knows right from wrong would easily know not to meet with someone they met online. The easy way out is to put a magnifying glass on your child that or block every single website that has contact with the outside world. There is good and bad things online but when they move out and on their own they will find these things anyway.

Parents restricting online uses of their children.?
Well it seems you assume that everyone who restricts their kids' time on the internet is worried about what they will do or see there. How about this? Kids should GO OUTSIDE or PLAY WITH REAL PEOPLE THEY CAN SEE instead of spending all their time in front of a computer, or TV, or video games, their only interaction being with someone else's created fantasy and anonymous 'chat buddies' who can lie all they want. This teaches children nothing about social interaction with PEOPLE, gets them no exercise, and does nothing for their minds. I limited my kids because I wanted them doing something other than sitting on their asses staring at pixels all the time. When my kids were young, they got 1 hour TV a day, and 30 minutes on the computer. They spend more time with both these days, but they also spend a lot of time playing with real people and reading. That's how I want it to be. When they grow up, they can sit in front of the screen 24/7 if they want to, but somehow I don't think they will.
Reply:I think when the parents want control over their children like that it is because they don't feel secure of how they raised you. Children before get on line parents should just sit down and talk about it, and let the child learn more. There is no need to have a tight grip on them.
Reply:while i can see them being concerned, typetrackers and spyware, and passwords are just unnecessary, its like a leash....especially if the kids in their teens.....
Reply:Because their parents are trying to do what they believe is right. They know they will make mistakes, but they also know they will get many things right, and this is one. The Internet is very addictive, especially things like YA.

Also, in the real world, when those children get employed the may have an advantage when they start working with computers because they are so used to doing research or whatever within tight time frames and not get distracted with IM.
Reply:Oh my god! Somone who makes sense!!!!

Im so sick of the morons who restrict the crap out of thier kids.

Theres no point, their just plain to damn protective.

You have to let a kid live. If not, they'll end up "still living with mommy" when thier 37, working at k-mart.

i Suppose it would be a good idea to restrict the useage a bit, but just time wise, so they get out and do other things... ( i just sit in this chair 24/7.... lol)


Most americans are morons, but this guy is smart, tell it like it is brother!!! w00t.
Reply:I think it should be restricting...most kids spend all day long on the internet and video games. Plus the parents should know everything they are into. Or at least have a way to check time to time. But as they grow older, I'd give them some freedom. They are going to look up porn, they are going to flirt, just as everyone in the world has growing up. Its just curiosity...I mean back in the day, I'm sure your dad had his collection of old playboys, hahaha, well have a good one.
Reply:From an adult point of view I must say that you are growing up very fast which isn't all bad. As far as you seeing things you shouldn't be able to, it is for your own safety. I would be more concerned about overall compulsive behavior and my children would have filters on their computers if I had children [I don't]. As far as on-line predators are concerned, I would include influences as well. Also I would consider the lost friendships children have when they spend all day on-line. You need real human interaction, just look at the people in here that are hurting for attention. Most of them probably don't even talk to their neighbors. I have an excuse I live in isolation but many of these people are looking in the wrong place for attention. You are 17 now go out and have some real fun.
Reply:NetDog Porn Filter :
Reply:It's not putting a magnifying glass on everyhing or blocking everything that helps. It's being able to moniter and explain everything that you cannot explain or be there every waking minute. I don't care if my child sees a GAPING VAGINA, just as long as I am there to explain whether it is a good one, or a bad one. And most of the time that I am not there, it is more than likely going to be a bad one, with a predator behind it that they cannot see like I can from my experience! That's why you need to block what should not be seen without PARENTAL GUIDANCE!
Reply:Letting a child run wild will lead to a young adult that has learn nothing about respect,rules,manners,control.I can just see you trying to raise a teenager like this one.Would you rather have a parent that sits with you the whole time your on the net?Or not let you have it at all? How else will you protect them?
Reply:There are some things that parents do that you will never understand until you have your own children. The thought of my child being abducted and raped by someone anywhere, not just online, is more horrifying to me than them getting hit by a car. I agree that children of a certain age can handle themselves but; not matter how you raise your child, you never can tell how they will react to this situation or that. I understand what you are saying and agree on most points but; you will never really understand why parents do what they do until you have your own kids. It's like driving with your parents when you're young and they complain about kids playing or riding their bikes in the street and youre like big deal, right? Then you start driving and then you understand why they got stressed. Do you knwo what I mean?
Reply:By your long, long questions...I can tell that you don't get out much. Some of the last 11 years should have been spent with real human interaction...
Reply:wah... i think let the parents do their job and let the children do their part.every one is different in their thinking

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