Monday, May 4, 2009

Online Degrees?

Does anybody know how an online degree works? What have you done? There are many advertising about online degrees. I don't know which online offer is okay. Can I become a lawyer with online education? I am interested in financing and law. I am 18 and I live in a small town. It's almost impossible to drive every day to a school for hours. Online education would be the best way to start.

Online Degrees?
well I am currently studying accounting through Ashworth College out of Norcross, Ga if you decide to do a distance education just make sure that you find out if it is accredited..

Ashworth is very affordable and also have credits that transfer if you later decide to go to a bigger school.. wish you all the best I know how it is living in a small town
Reply:i would say don't waste your money but if u don't have a high school diploma shoot for it %26lt;that what i did them i went to nau%26gt;
Reply:please ensure that if you chose to study at home, which is not impossible, that you check out the organizations credentials and that the certificate you are working towards is viable and recognized from an employer..Hope this helps xxxx

Online converter for online videos?

do you know any online video converter for online videos like youtube that does not need to download the whole video first in youtube but it will be the one to download it right away? like i encountered mostly that i just copy the url of utube to the online converter but not waiting fr the whole video to download in u know any online converter that will do the downloading and convetring of the WHOLE video??thanks!

Online converter for online videos?

I hope this helps. :D
Reply:Use Free DVDVideoSoft programs


Online shopping???????

Ok I don't want to shop online I want to shop in the store that shows what it has online. I love all their stuff but it seems expensive online. I totaled all I like online on a calculator and got 1,145.50. Now my parents can't offard this but they will buy anyway. Is this including shipping 2 when it says the price online cause 1 top is like 39.50. The store is Limited 2 plz tell me if this includes shipping. thx.

Online shopping???????
sometimes you can search coupon codes like limited II coupon codes to bring down the cost...sometimes its better to buy online because they usually don't have the same items in the store but when you enter those coupon codes which is a click away can bring the cost down greatly.
Reply:Shipping and tax are added at conclusion of shopping.

Shipping price will vary according to how fast you want it.

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Poll-increasing,online automatic voter,online polls?
poll-increasing,online automatic voter,online polls,poll-increasing,online automatic voter,online polls,poll-increasing,online automatic voter,online polls——the answer is here:

dental work

Online Dating - Has anyone had a boyfriend or girlfriend online?

I am Just curious if anyone has met some people from online or had an online boyfrined or girlfriend before.I had an online boyfriend %26amp; he move from Texas to Pennsylvania %26amp; we are married :-) It would probably bore you if I said how this came about.Anyway I have met two people on here. One was nice %26amp; everyone wanted me to go out with him cause he lived an hour away from me but I only liked him as a friend.Then I met My husband we had sent pictures over the computer %26amp; we decided to meet. Ok I will tell you.we met online on a program called Firetalk Which after I started talking to him it didn't exsit anymore.We talked on the internet for hours %26amp; the first time he called me was when 9/11 went on.He thought maybe a plan had went down near me or something %26amp; wanted to know if I was alright.He came up April for my birthday 2002,Then August 2002 %26amp; Ended up staying.Got Married June 14th 2003.Theres more too the story but I only get so much to right.Yeah I know sounds boring but oh well :-p

Online Dating - Has anyone had a boyfriend or girlfriend online?
had one, didn't really work out though
Reply:I looked at a couple of sites a long time ago. Sure not interesting to me at all. BS

Online dating vs. in person dating??

When I think of it, I think that online dating and meeting someone in person both are the same thing, except for the obvious. For example going into a club and getting someones numbers, etc. and talking to someone online are the same, except that online you don't talk to the person face to face.

In both cases, you don't really know who you're talking to. Like at a club, the person's number who you get could be a rapist, pedofile, ect. and same with online. So why is it that people completely disregard online dating??

[for face to face dating, I don't mean dating someone you already know....but meeting a complete stranger]

Online dating vs. in person dating??
I hear bad stories about online dating. See people can hide behind their computers vs showing emotion in person. Also, for the first few dates you are dating their "representitive" it really isn't them if you can follow. So when they are behind a computer you don't see anything and it takes longer to find out that they suck
Reply:because you never know who it is unless you meet them.

how do you really know..... i keep wondering that

Online education?

I know this question has been asked a thousand times but I need to ask anyhow. Ive done some searches and can't find the answer I'm looking for anyways. I'm thinking of starting online education and try to earn a ba in a field. I'm having trouble pin pointing an exact field of intrest, but I suppose that's something I'll have to deal with. Is online really worth it. I have no college education whatsoever. If I were to take a ba in psychology from an online school what are my chances of landing a decent job? someone that is 33 years old with no expirence in any field I choose to study, can I land a job with a certain degree with no expirence? do employers laugh at online degrees and just pass you by? what are some of the schools i should be looking at that have a good rep? we have a baby on the way and a busy schedule so this is why im thinking online, so i want to choose wisely in a school and a program. please, real answers not u of phoneix employees answering my question.

Online education?
issue here is your NEED to get an EDUCATION not a DEGREE . where you get an education matters .. but the education is what is a payoff for you and your future employer .

33 would be okay for job with degree . would show your seriousness / focus now . not everyone ready / matures / is fresh out at 22 .

understsand at 33 with 'online" degree you are probably not going to rise to CEO .

consider if you get a job that pays for UOP or alternative online program. many better and more schools offer. UOP a private / expensive paper mill sort of degree place. not to be critical but not the best place . if no degree vs. their degree / looks better.

psychology major .... assume you want to entry level at HR ?

or maybe your thinking is to use in the field ?

if biz is your goal consider maybe to rethink psych / ask boss / hr / at your career planning / dialogue performance annual revew you should have at this end of year ? what options you could have / how your skills / future opening s. you want to probably be considered in training / grooming for your next job at this company . educational goals will become part of your formal goals you achieve annual. you can measure in courses / gpa . meet / exceed. get your employer to help support / enable you to move to higher / next levels . good luck / study hard/ you will compete with many . get the best education you can for the money you or your employer spend . no short cuts / slacking regardless of U standars, you need to stand out / rise above.
Reply:Try out this site here you can find renough information for online education.

Online Dating - Has anyone had a boyfriend or girlfriend online?

I am Just curious if anyone has met some people from online or had an online boyfrined or girlfriend before.I had an online boyfriend %26amp; he move from Texas to Pennsylvania %26amp; we are married :-) It would probably bore you if I said how this came about.Anyway I have met two people on here. One was nice %26amp; everyone wanted me to go out with him cause he lived an hour away from me but I only liked him as a friend.Then I met My husband we had sent pictures over the computer %26amp; we decided to meet. Ok I will tell you.we met online on a program called Firetalk Which after I started talking to him it didn't exsit anymore.We talked on the internet for hours %26amp; the first time he called me was when 9/11 went on.He thought maybe a plan had went down near me or something %26amp; wanted to know if I was alright.He came up April for my birthday 2002,Then August 2002 %26amp; Ended up staying.Got Married June 14th 2003.Theres more too the story but I only get so much to right.Yeah I know sounds boring but oh well :-p

Online Dating - Has anyone had a boyfriend or girlfriend online?
had one, didn't really work out though
Reply:I looked at a couple of sites a long time ago. Sure not interesting to me at all. BS

dental equipment

Sell silkroad online botcard on is a MMORPG game offer company , one silkroad bot is sell 9USD ,and we have other bot ,this are the link of the website ,

Silkroad online botcard (Isro botcard):

Granado Espade online botcard (GE botcard):

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Sell silkroad online botcard on
In The Lord of the Rings OnlineTM: Shadows of AngmarTM (LOTRO), players can customize certain elements of the game's user interface (UI), also known as "skinning." While we don't allow you to do a full-scale UI replacement, we do give you the ability to replace selected visual elements of the UI. (A full list of these elements and their sizes is provided at the end of this overview.)

This is an updated (and prettied up) version of the information that had originally been posted in their Beta forums which we had copied to our Developer Discussions - Tutorials %26amp; Other Helpful Information forum. It is a combination of the Skinning the LOTRO UI and Art Assets posts.

Online prices same as the store prices verizon wireless???

hi i was looking through the Verizon wireless phones online and the have a lot of online prices that are good and really don't like ordering online so was wandering if the phone prices are the same at stores like say Costco or circuit city. [ Example]{ lg env it said 129.99 - 49.99= 79.99} and at the side it said online price but didn't say online only.

Online prices same as the store prices verizon wireless???
the online price usually is only online....if u go to the store like verizon store u would get a mail in rebate. if u go to best buy u dont have to wait on rebates they give it to u for the online price since they r an authorized dealer.

Online Play For The Wii?

Okay, first I am going to ask, does the Wii Sports or Wii Play have online play?

Second, if yes, could you tell me how to go about getting online?

Even if they don't support online play, would you tell me some games that are fun %26amp; support online play.

OR just tell me how to get online anyway.

Third, does either of the WiiConnect24[i think that is what its called] or the WiiChannel cost any money?

Okay that's all, sorry for so many questions.


Online Play For The Wii?
Nope they don't have online play.

Online games:

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Guitar Hero 3

Mario Kart Wii: April 27

These are good picks.

WiiConnect24 doesn't cost.

There's a channel named Wii Shop Channel there you can buy Virtual Console games and "WiiWare" (new channels).

Online Play: I reccomend you the Nintendo USB Wi-Fi adapter.
Reply:no wii sports does not but i know super smash bros brawl does
Reply:I know wii sport doesn't, I don't know about wii Play, I don't think so though. You have to have wireless connecting to get online with the wii. Either DSL or Cable modem with wireless. The wii will pick up the signal once you set it up with the router. The wii channel do not cost anything to use them, but to buy games and other thing off of them, you will need to pay. You can pay with a credit card or buy a wii card at different retail store (like gamestop, gamecrazy, wal-mart, target, etc.) The card cost about 20 dollars. Go to for more details.

PS3 Online Multiplayer?

I just got my ps3 and i have 2 controllers and my online setup and everything. I was wondering if it was possible to have friends over my house, we both each have a controller, and play an online multiplayer game together against other people online. Like for example: I have CoD 4 and my friend came over and we both get a controller each, is it possible for both of us to play online together at the same time? (im not just asking about CoD4 though im talking about online games in genral) If i can do this can you please list the games that have the capabilyity to do this. I know this is possible becuase one of my friends has a xbox 360 and i could play halo 3 online with him. Kind of like playing on like a sib account with him or somthing..idk how it works. Can somone please tell me if this is possible and is so how to do it!?

Thank you

PS3 Online Multiplayer?
most games you can. COD4 you can.just go to they have a list.
Reply:on cod4 u cant play 2 player online multyplayer but im sure most of the games with online enabled u can play 2 player
Reply:In COD4 only one person can use 1 ps3 at a time, as for Warhawk you can have 4 different players playing online on the same ps3.

tooth and nail

Online Dating Question: Am I Being Cautious or Paranoid?

I met a great guy online. We talk on the phone for hours and hours on end and our dates are magical. We both feel the chemistry that has existed over the past few weeks and have similar ideas of how a relationship should be. The problem is that in spite of our chemistry, I have noticed that he still logs into his online dating account almost every day. I found this out when I went online to deactivate mine. Since we are linked online, I can see his log in activity, and he still appears to be going online, presumably to view other profiles and meet other people.

Should I mention to him that this makes me uncomfortable? How would you handle this if your person of interest showed mutual feelings to your face but still dawdled around in the background. I should mention that neither of us has verbally stated that we are going to be exclusive, but the relationship seems to be headed that way. The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is that he still seems to be looking. I'm confused.

Online Dating Question: Am I Being Cautious or Paranoid?
Just because the relationship seems headed towards exclusivity, that isn't the same as being there. It has only been a few weeks, and while things seem to be going good between you two the truth is that is a very short time period. I think he is going to keep his options open for awhile longer till you two reach that exclusive stage in your relationship. You have to remember, he also may have other girls he started getting to know before you two hooked up and you can't expect him to just end those until he is absolutely sure you two are a serious item.
Reply:There is a list of dating tips you may find interesting on this site at Report It

Reply:Neither, Seems to me online dating is not a good choice when deciding to meet other mates. I think you should find you someone in your area and not online. Of course he is single and just because he have contacted you from his account doesn't stop him from contacting other woman of his interest. It is best to

find someone more closer to you.
Reply:I think you should mention it to him. Communication is the key to success in every relationship. If you keep things bottled up inside you, this relationship won't work out. I've been in a similar situation before and communicating has helped make things more clear.
Reply:Well there is obviously chemistry but since he is still looking just ask him. If he's not honest with you seriously consider moving on, there are tons of great guys out there.
Reply:Jeez...You should be. Get a life that is grounded in reality and not cyberspace...FYI, your "friend" is still looking and talking with probably multiple partners..
Reply:You didn't say if you have actually met face to face yet.

It's easy to build somebody up in your mind... when you meet face to face the chemistry is gone. If he is still checking out the dating site he is not ready to commit, especially when you can see for yourself that he is logging in. Of course it is to check whats out there.

How long have you two known each other? It may develop into something, and what you have is real, on the other hand he may want to keep his options open.

Perhaps you should clear the air without appearing pushy... you just want to know where you stand and if you are wasting your time.
Reply:You're being both cautious and paranoid, you know... You still don't own him yet, do you? Just let him do what he wants to since you two are just on a mutual relationship status, and in no way should be possessive to each other. Why should you feel uncomfy, anyway when there's nothing essential enough to tell which situations you should be comfortable with or not?

He might still be exploring... probably because he wants to meet more people. The only big deal on this is that "is he still going to be the same to you in spite of his search for more new people to befriend?". Find it out for yourself and decide. You won't be able to find the main solution unless you answer that big deal question first and foremost
Reply:You are not exclusive, and if he is still looking, you had better believe he doesnt want to be exclusive. So hes a good friend, with benefits maybe. Dont get attached. . . .Yet.
Reply:good communication is the key here. If you BOTH agree that the realstionship is getting hot and heavy then he will close the account. HOwever, if u tell him how u feel how do u expect him to act?? He may think ur not into him??
Reply:Even if he is feeling the same chemistry you are and has hopes of a long-term relationship with you, he may not be ready to be exclusive. He is being cautious - perhaps he's been hurt before by rushing into things, or takes exclusivity so seriously that he doesn't want to commit before he's sure.

The only way to find out is to talk to him. Neither of you have discussed your status, so it would be unfair to assume that "we've been dating for X weeks, therefore we are now exclusive." Bring up the issue with him: let him know that you feel a real connection with him, and are not interested in dating anyone else at this time. That you don't want to pressure him, but hopes he feels the same. Ask how he feels about it, and what he is ready for. Hopefully you can find a solution that makes both of you happy.

Please keep in mind that even if he isn't ready to commit YET, it doesn't mean he doesn't want to commit EVER, or that the doesn't care for you.. He may just need more time. (But don't wait forever, either - if he's not willing to be exclusive after four months of intense dating, it's time to cut your losses.)
Reply:Just be careful. Be bold enough to ask about the direction of the relationship, and don't mention what you saw online or he will think you are stalking him. Until you are exclusive, you don't have any say at all over what he does.
Reply:You are being cautious. I had this same problem when going to deactivate mine. I chose to confront him and discuss where we were going in this relationship and if he was still "looking". I was told he was not and he immediately deactivated his account. Some people like to keep checking for the sake of checking. Be honest, ask him why he is still "looking" and do tell him how you feel about it. If he continues to look, and does not deactivate it is a good indication that he is still looking to date others. Good luck to you!!
Reply:Don't be you haven't signed on a dotted line yet. He's still free to do whatever he likes.
Reply:if u dont have a ring on ur finger.. let him do what he wants.. he is not ur property. if he wants to go online let him..
Reply:There are some useful tips here.

Let me tell u something ...

if he is Serious with u , with the relationship .. he should be loyal and faithful to You .. and u can notice that from his Acting .. u can find out every thing with the time believe me.. u have to wait and see what gonna happend .. u have to be Honest with him and tell him about ur feeling .. tell him that to recpeict the relationship between u and him..

Tell him that u like him and u don wanna lose him

Good luck :)

Online Boyfriends?

Hey guys! :

I recently have gotten a lot of news from my friends that they have online boyfriends. They meet them on chat lines, or chat rooms, or wherever people gather around. Even online games as well. One of my friends has been doing this serious flirting with this guy who asked her to be his "online girlfriend", but thats about it, because they live in separate parts of the world. Do you think it's a good idea? She already has a boyfriend, and I keep telling her it's a bad idea either way. She insists that it's not a big deal, and it's only online, and that he will never find out. What's the best way to convince her from making a big mistake that will ruin her relationship? Or do you think now a days it's ok to have a little fun online once in a while?



Online Boyfriends?
I don't think it's a good idea, but you can't stop someone else from making a mistake. You can tell her you don't think it's a good idea, but you can only control yourself.

Online or not, it's a commitment of sorts and I don't think it's appropriate if she's commited to someone already.
Reply:Hello there...........I think it's a little okay to have a little fun as we girls don't really know what are our boyfriends doing behind our back..........right??????????
Reply:It's not a good idea, be it online or not. It can eventually ruin her relationship. She should show a little more respect towards her boyfriend. In your case, you already told her so it seems you're doing your part as a friend. Sorry to say, if she doesn't want to stop you can't force her.
Reply:now way is that a good idea at all! a boyfriend is a boyfriend no matter what. She already has a real boyfriend so why does she need one online that doesn't live near her

you cant convince her to not date him she will just have to realize the mistake herself and learn from it.
Reply:having fun and cheating on your boyfriend are two totally different things in themselves. emotional attachment of any form is cheating and in my own opinion the worse kind of cheating. tell her she needs to grow up and realize the internet isint reality and if the internet is worth her realtionship then tell her to keep it up. any guy who is willing to take that isint the kind of guy who will be around in the long run. but who knows if shes having internet flings perhaps thats what she wants.
Reply:I think an online boyfriend is self-deceiving but probably addicting for girls due to the thrill of the anonymity. I think your friends have self-esteem or identity problems since they're resorting to online dating. I suggest they overcome any insecurities they may have and find a local guy.
Reply:The best way to show her it will be harmful to her real relationship is if she were in her real boyfriend's shoes. Pretty much if he was chatting up and pretending to be a hot blonde's online boyfriend and keeping it from her. I mean I'm sure she wouldn't find that too amusing, more like hurt and very jealous. Not only that but tell her that even though the other person may be very far away, she can still be hurting someone's feelings. I have been in a situation like this myself twice. Some people on the net build up these sudden feelings even though the other person just thinks its a game and fun. But its not at all. One of the guys I was supposedly trying to be friends with went as far as to say as he was committing suicide over me and even cutting himself. Then the other guy said I was always rejecting him and he went so far as to put some booter thing up and was sending me annoying messages all of which was calling me foul names. You are most welcome to share these bits of stories with your friend. Because online is no joke, I mean some people are smart enough to be able to hack into others computers and get her phone number and house address and other stuff. Tell her these things as well. No one needs a stalker or be threatened.

Dating online, what's your perspective?

well i'm asking because i am dating this guy online.

he lives in virginia and i live in saint paul, minnesota.

we've got have some things in common and he knows what i look like %26amp; i knows what he looks like.

i've been wondering . . .

why are so many people insecure %26amp; paranoid about dating online. friends and pps online say that it's nice to date someone in around my area, yeah, i've tried but hey, why not online?!

i'm young but not stupid.

i am pretty wise %26amp; am aware of these so called perverts whom is danger awaiting online.

i'm not into sexual chats %26amp; know what i'm going for offline and online.

so what's your perspective?

be straight-forward now.

^^ thanks.

Dating online, what's your perspective?
I think it is fine as long as you get to know the person and meet them before falling in love with them. I met my husband on myspace, but it took us 5 months before we went on our first date.
Reply:I think Dating Online is ok ( it's kinda hard to ''go out'') but then again dating someone isn't always about going out on dates. Just be careful and make sure your safe and everything will be cool!

Good Luck

Reply:Both of you may be be up front about who you are and what you're like, but you'll never really know until you meet that person face to face. Just recently a very intelligent lady I know met this man online and chatted with him for a time before feeling as though she could trust him. I could not believe that she wired him $17,000. for airfare and expenses to get here from England. It's probably no surprise that he never arrived and she'll never see her money again. This is a woman who is the CEO of a big corporation and was tired of dating the men around here. She could afford to lose the money. That wasnt the worst part. She had planned to marry this man.

Bottom line. I've heard good endings and bad ones. Unfortunately, the bad ones far outnumber the good ones.
Reply:Sheesh, people are RUDE sometimes!

There is nothing wrong with online dating. Of course you do have to be careful, but it's not like you know who that guy in the bar is either, you know? You could click at the club, and he could be a serial killer or rapist just the same. And online dating is not "just for fat/desperate" people -- there are just as many normal, average, and attractive people looking for dates or currently dating people online, as there are in a club or bar. Sure, there's fat, desperate people online.... guess what! They're in your nightspots, too. Maybe not as many, but they are there, just the same. You'll also meet the people who don't have time to hit the clubs because they're busy all the time, or maybe they just don't like places like that, (which to me, are basically just places for people who like obnoxious music/dancing and drinking too much... at least for the majority of the people who go there). Or maybe they don't live near a bustling city. There's many a reason why people choose online dating.

Love knows no boundaries. My friend's aunt once told me a story of how her sister lived over 40 years, never married, always looking for the one... and it turns out, her "perfect man" was overseas. They met online, and they are still together. You just never know where love is waiting.

I wish you lots of luck! All of you. :)

Reply:I think that it is perfectly fine.
Reply:I have met a few really nice guys....but many more...they would lie...and even put pics of themselves 10 or 20 years ago...and then show you a current pic....and it was really not good...or they would lie about many other money or their motivations...a lot of players.... great you are careful...and even better to find a nice guy you like out of all the other ones....
Reply:Dating online isn't something bad. It was created as a type of communication that it's up to the people for them to do bad or good things. But, you know...the problem is finding real honest people. You'll meet a lot of kind people, but few ever honest! Yet, when there's a honest feeling, you actually know it because you have gone into deep conversations, shared experiences, and there's a charge in that atmosphere that isn't seen with others. Dating online can leave you very stripped in what are your emotions, yet of course there are always those small problems of lies. But, as long as you know what you're doing and know who are you looking for everything is alright. It's the feeling of words that is confronted here. And, those feelings one may feel may be as real to those you find naturally with other people near your area. After all, we have to fail some things to taste the real savor of victory!
Reply:just be careful,always meet in a very public place till you are certain
Reply:I have signed up but I just can't see myself paying to be set up. I tried speed dating also. Now that was fun. I still want to meet someone naturally. But that's just me.
Reply:I agree with the premise. I would prefer to call it something other than dating though. If you want to try it then go for it. The fact that you enjoy online dating reveals almost nothing about your character.

I consider online dating a good tool for building a foundation with someone to see if you want to connect further. I recommend it for post-college age.
Reply:I don't see how else to meet people nowadays. I met my boyfriend that way and he is a fantastic person I wouldn't have met any other way.
Reply:i don't think it can work. to me nothing compares to a to talk to a person face to face no amout of phone calls or qwerty can replace that
Reply:It still seems to carry a stigma, but should be ok. It's like you said, the stuff you hear in the news, but who's to say that your best friend, lover, soulmate, whoever isn't just a click away??
Reply:well how can you be dating this guy if you never met him in person. talking online doesnt count as dating. does it?
Reply:I say it's a bad idea because people on there (especially the males) lie and cheat and take advantage of fools looking for love in the worst place. They often send fake pictures as far as how they look. And they can tell if you're all hard-up for a long-term, loving relationship by what you say, and then they just milk the situation and play on your weakness until they can meet up with you just to have sex with you. (I've even heard of chics sending guys money that they met on line, and vice versa too). If they don't just come straight out and say they're looking for sexual encounters, then they'll play along with whatever the desperado says they want from the whole thing. Also, if they were so great, then why would they even trolling the internet for a mate in the first place? I say be careful! The harder you look the less you find...when it comes to guys, that is.
Reply:I have had good luck with dating online.

People will show who they are, just let them talk!

Always meet in a public place, at least until you know him, and let a friend know where youare going. Lastly, set a check in time with a friend or relative, and you will be fine!
Reply:"Me, I don't 'DATE ON LINE'."

"Me, I use Yahoo! PERSONALS to look for 'POTENTIAL CONTACTS' in the

area that I plan to move to."

"I won't have anything ONGOING with a lady that resides over five miles from

my point of destination."

"For me, Yahoo! PERSONALS, is only meant for meeting these women. To

date, or not to date, will be determined based on our meeting up for drinks,

coffee, or somewhere on the campus of the University of Arkansas at

Reply:I think it's a great way to meet new people, but that's all.

Just remember, you know nothing about someone you talk to online until you actually meet them. (even the picture could be phony, how do you know that they didn't give you somebody else's picture).

What most dating experts recommend is treat someone you meet online with the same degree of caution as you treat anyone who is a stranger that you find interesting. Only meet in public places where you feel comfortable until you get know them, meet some of their friends, and feel comfortable that they're an ok person. (I would emphasize meeting friends, remember, even in person people can lie and it's easier to lie if nobobdy's there to contradict you, if other people trust them then maybe you can trust them too.) Remember it's so much easier to lie through the Internet than is when you actually meet someone. Even when people meet in real life, they try to cover up their flaws. So assume the same thing with the Internet.

Also, the danger is not just that you meet a pervert, although there is plenty to worry about there. You could find them physically unattractive (i know you've got pictures, could be somebody else's pictures, could be pictures that are 15 years on). They could be involved in a relationship with someone else or married and the internet is the easiest way to meet people and carry on adulterous relationships without the partner finding out. (I'm not going to go into details but I have had a similar experience...we lived a long distance apart and we were always meeting in places half way inbetween...thus the man she was living with didn't know).

Finally, two points. The worst thing about the Internet is you get emotionally invested in the person and feel a sense of intimacy before you even get to know them. Even if they are exactly who they say they are, you maybe setting yourself up for heartbreak. If a long distance relationship is involved, eventually someone has to move. A lot of people are not willing to leave behind their jobs, family, friends, just because they feel like they've met "the one".

Point # 2: You seem like your an adult with a pretty good head on your shoulders. If you're a minor, then you shouldn't be communicating with anybody your parents don't know about and have personally met. Leave online dating alone.
Reply:I am 26 years old this year and still a single, i don`t like anyone around me. I want to date a man online too. Maybe i can meet a nice man...

I have a profile on, god bless me that i can find my Mr right soon!!!!!!!!!
Reply:I met my bf online 3 years ago, we talked for a year bf we met. I live in CA and he was in the army and lived in NC. we took it slow talked emailed and foned. I knew what he looked like and he knew what i looked liked. I wasnt ready to meet him till a year like i said into our friend/relationship. He is very sweet, smart and kind.

My friends told me like omg that creepy what if he is not who he says he is blah blah. (I had seen pics, and family pics and it also helped that he had a myspace and his friends and fam were on it. I also got to chat with his sisters) They would tell me omg date someone from around here someone you can be close too and so one. But i dated ppl form here and i dnt know it never seemed to work out. I liked the fact that i had someone i can talk to email and chat with. I was getting to know him from the inside out. It doesnt always work out for everyone, but give it a try. I do strongly recomend that u get to know him as much as u can b4 u decide to meet him. You know family wise and friends wise make sure that he's concrete and isnt flaky.

Long story short, we are still together he is in iraq and in sept 08 he will come back home and we will live in LA happy and content.

To me its not "weird" that u have feelings for someone u've never met. Its just diff now a days how ppl go about meeting other ppl. It was nice to get to know someone for who they are b4 u met the outter shell.
Reply:Not being rude or any thing, but that's really stupid and i think its a little st rang. You don't know who old they are or what they look like and, they could lie about there age and about them self.

~That's just my op pinon i wasn't trying to be rude or anything~
Reply:i guess it's okay as long as you're being safe. But i think most people go to online dating for a last resort because long distance relationships don't really work out well.
Reply:I know a lot of people who are happily married and have met online, don't rush it, and make sure you get to know them really well before you jump into anything or meeting. You do have to be careful.
Reply:its for the desperate ppl
Reply:I'm getting married in two months to a guy I met online.

I lived in Kentucky and he lived in Montana. I was 16 when we first started talking online and on the phone, and he was 27. My parents said I couldn't continue talking to him unless they met him. So he flew out to meet my family, and they said he was acceptable to "date" (whatever you want to call it online/mainly over the phone). When I was 18 I went to Montana to visit him, and then a few months later, I moved to be with him. Now I'm 21 (we've been living together since I moved here when I was 18) and we've been engaged since April of this year, getting married December 15th.

I think dating online is just as risky as dating someone you know in your area. You have the same chance of breaking up- you have to go through a lot of ppl before you find someone that works for you. Also, there are a lot of girls that are physically harmed sexually or just abused in general by b/f's that they live close to. Honestly, if they are miles away, how are they going to hurt you? I mean, at some point, yes you have to meet them, but hopefully you're smart enough to do it in a public place and/or with ppl you know before you go private. It takes work and sacrifice b/c of the difference, but if you both love each other, you find a way to make it work until you can be together. Good luck! (Side note: I did run into a lot of crazies before I met my fiance online! I met one guy online that hopped on a greyhound bus for three days and called me and told me he was two hours away and wanted to come over!! He stayed with another person I knew online and she said he started cutting himself and eating his skin in front of their daughter! Fortunately he didn't know where I lived and went back home. LOL so be careful...people with issues will go to a great extent to convince you they are safe!)


I was reading a lot of the other answers, and a lot of ppl are saying "you dont really know what they look like" blah blah...When I talked to my online man we did use live webcams/microphones, etc. I'm sure there's a way to "fix" that too, but less likely if you're on a live video feed. lol Just be smart (which I'm sure you will be). I will say we talked more on the phone than online, and that helped a lot. We really got to know each other, where we stood on certain issues. Most ppl that go out on dates with real ppl don't really get to know them b/c they're just having fun- they aren't having deep conversations about experiences, family, beliefs, etc. I think online dating can have an advantage. It is a little awkward once you mee them, but that's a lot better than moving in with someone you've known and then realizing their beliefs aren't compatible to yours. BTW...maybe you should change your nickname from "vulnerable" to something else. lol
Reply:It seems kind of weird. You aren't really "dating" in the sense that you go out on dates, you can't have the same physical connection.

And even if he isn't some pervert or whatever, you still don't really know for sure who he is or what he really looks like. It's so easy to lie online.
Reply:Forget the whole thing. There are plenty of people in your own area to date.
Reply:i would be afraid. because unless you have met them, you really don't know who they are and what they are really like. could be a whole lot of just never know now days.
Reply:This is my opinion.I think online dating is okay, but you have to be careful. If you ever decide if you want to meet this guy, do not go to virginia. Let him come to you, especially if you havent spent any time together. make sure that you meet in a public place with a lot of people, just in case something goes wrong. There are a lot of weirdos out here these days so you must be careful. Also it wouldn't be a bad idea to try and meet a guy in the area. That would be emotionally easier on you also.
Reply:it depends on how naive u r. theres nuthing wrong w/ online dating if ur careful and aware. if u pay attention ur good.

Weight Watchers online question!?

All men and women out there who have had any experience with weight watchers online...I need your help!

I'm planning on joinging weight watchers online, and wanted to know what your experiences were with the online system. I'm a pretty disciplined person, and will not slack off just because I won't have to face others at meetings...but seems like online would be a lot more convenient for me as I am a full time college student and employeed.

Please share your success stories, and/or any advice regarding weight watchers online...and last but not least. With the weight watchers online, are you mailed a "points booklet" or is everything completely online?

Thank you so much for all of your help!

Weight Watchers online question!?
Sorry, but if you were a disciplined person you wouldn't need WW now would you?
Reply:Wow. This comment really answered her question, didn't it? Report It

teeth grills

Online Status?

How do I add an online status indicator to my weblog? I've had some (html) code on my website for some while (years) and it used to work but now it doesn't. It also isn't showing me as "online" on my Yahoo profile.

This is the code I've been using:

%26lt;a href=""...

Online Status: %26lt;a href=""... src=" alt="online status" /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;

I've long since forgotten where I got this from. I'd appreciate it if someone could list an alternate code, that works.

(I have tried using IE7, Firefox and Opera but it shows the little greyed out smiley, even when I'm logged into IM and through And, yes, I am listing myself as "available" and I have my privacy settings set to allow websites to show my status.)

Online Status?
the website you got it from is perhaps yahoo's own online presence page at...

and the code looks kinda different to what you have posted above... but as you mentioned you have had it some time things could well have changed a little since you obtained it :)

I can't really post mine as an example as Answers kills it off due to length but if you check out the page link posted above you should be able to obain a working version for your ID

one thing I would say though is that the online status indicators are a bit fickle at times... so if you have the recommended code and your settings are as they have always been I wouldn't go breaking my sanity trying to work out what's gone astray as chances are it's an issue on yahoo's side not yours :) My online status is fickle at the best of times... it generally works where I have placed my code but not on any yahoo services pages (like profiles etc)

best of luck :)

ONLINE Associates Degree, is it any good????

I am not ready for a 4 year college and I also want to get past the 2 year community college ordeal. I know online bachelors degrees are pretty iffy- a friend I know at her job after GWU told me they basically just ignore resumes with online bachelors degrees- but if get an online associates and plan to get a bachelors NOT online will I have any problems?? Does that go smoothly or will some universitys not accept me with an online associates?? Should I just suck it up and go to community college?? Any info would be great!

ONLINE Associates Degree, is it any good????
If you do an online associate degree, it must be from a fully accredited college in order for your credits to be accepted by a four-year college.

Some online schools say they are accredited but the accrediting association is actually a sham. A college needs to be accredited by a regional accrediting body. This site has links to the regional accrediting associations:

I was a college administrator for 28 years before I retired and it is my opinion that you will get much more benefit from actually attending college rather than getting a degree online. However, if your online college is accredited by one of the six regional accrediting associations, your credits will be accepted by a four-year college provided you take courses that are applicable to the degree and major you pursue.

Reply:It's not necessarily obvious that a degree is from an online program. For instance, I'm doing my master's online through Penn State. My diploma and transcript won't look any different from any other Penn State student's; the online nature of the program isn't noted anywhere. And Penn State is not a "sham" school. ;-)

Your friend whose employer "ignores resumes with online bachelors degrees" is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. She'd be better off evaluating the school from which the degree was earned, the same as with face-to-face degrees.

However, as others have noted, online degrees are MORE work than face-to-face degrees. You need MORE self-discipline and initiative, there's MORE reading/writing involved, and it takes MORE of your time. If you don't think you're ready for all that, you're better off in face-to-face classes where there's more structure provided for you and more personal contact. It doesn't have to be an ordeal. ;-)
Reply:You may want to check if your community college has online classes ... mine did. They also have TV classes which means you buy videos from the bookstore which teach you about astronomy or what have you. I'd go that route if you can -- most totally online colleges are scams and are actually profit-making enterprises.
Reply:A degree from an accredited institution is a degree from an accredited institution, no matter how it is earned. However, keep in mind - has an Associate's Degree ever gotten someone a good job?

Also remember that you are almost required to do double the work for an online degree. It is much easier to go to the classroom.

Online dating.?

I've been talking to a guy for the past six months. I met him online, and then we resorted to talking on the phone. I always take precautions when it comes to talking to someone online. anyways, this guy.. i've gotten really close to him, we've been there for each other like best friends, yes it could happen..and recently i have began to feel "something" for though i suspect that he might feel the same since he says things that only someone that is interested in you would say. We talk every night..whether online or on the phone.. idk i guess my question is.. is it possible to fall for someone online? of course i know that you need to meet with the person in order for that to happen, but for some reason we haven't yet.. i guess we both want to make sure..and have actually that it isn't some crazy online story. idk. i want to say i like them alot.. but my head gets in the way of my heart.

Online dating.?
online dating is a load of BULLSHlT!!! everyone lies dont online date, and i bet that guy that u like is fat!

(im rick james *****!)
Reply:I'm in an online relationship..yes it's very possible to fall in love with someone you haven't met in person. We've been talking for 9's the hardiest thing that I have ever done. Emotions get in the way making it where you ask questions..should I have done this? Was this a mistake? But hang in there! Don't give up that's what I'm at least trying to do...sigh..I hope I helped. If you want to talk more about this you can add me if you like. I have an email on my page.

- Maia xoxo
Reply:Don't Do It!

He must be a creep or he would be meeting girls in bars like the rest of us do, not anonymously online. No one wants to see your face on a milk carton, honey!

Online employment agencies?

My bf has been looking for a job for a while, and although he has signed up to about 6 online agencies, and about 2 in a walk in agency, he has still nto had any luck finding a job.

He applies everyday for jobs online and never hears anything back, When i was out of work i had the same problem.

I was just wondering, does employment agencies online do the candidates look lazy or something?

I have never heard of people that join online agencies ever get a job through them...Does a sent C.V. %26amp; covering letter through the mail look better than just uploading your C.V online?

Online employment agencies?
most agencies on line and walk in are a joke, god knows how many i signed up with i forget but my most recent agency keeps sending me to a firm i cannot stand working in, i hate some of the fellow workers and everytime i ask for somewhere else my line boss tells me they have nothing else on their books. an agency cannot survive with one client. what would really help is a good hand written reference. it done the trick for me
Reply:No, I just think people are having a hard time getting jobs right now.
Reply:I have never heard of an "online agency". Are you meaning a job board, such as Monster?

I am a recruiter and I advertise vacancies on both Monster and on specialist job boards which relate to the industry in which I work. I never, ever receive any good applications through either source. I always put the minimum requirements that candidates must have, and people ignore them. For example, I have a job advertised at the moment which needs several years' marketing experience, but most of the applications have come from recent graduates. I have another job where I need someone who speaks fluent French or German, and none of the applicants do. So sorry for the rant, but what I am trying to say is, make sure he is applying for jobs which he is actually qualified to do.

It depends on the type of work he is looking for, but I would suggest that traditional agencies are the way to go. Sign up with a couple more if he is not having any luck with the ones he is already with.
Reply:I have a team of 24 under me so as you could imagine I have to post and receive a lot of job applications. I primarily use, it would be the best one for your bf to use. Here are some hints to help stand out. 1. Always attach a cover letter appropriate to that job, not a generic letter for all jobs, it shows you have taken the time to read the advert and your not just applying for any old thing. 2. Make sure the cover letter is short and to the point, start with a little about yourself then what your experience is to date and then why you would like to work for that organisation 3. Your CV must look presentable, try adding some pictures of yourself or were you have worked before. 4. Wait 2-3 days then ring to make sure they have received your application, this shows you are keen as hell which is a real plus. The point to all this is unless a persons gets my attention in there initial application they will never make it to the interview stage so you have to do things that differentiate you from every other Tom, Dick %26amp; Harry. I hope this will help your BF out i know how frustrating it can be trying to find the right job. Best of luck
Reply:hi check this link its useful


Reply:Lol I had the same problem. I used the online agencies to find the jobs in the first place. Then I tried to find the jobs elsewhere eg by looking directly on the companies website. I then applied for the job that way. I think it does look better if you send a cv and letter in. It suggests you've put a bit more thought and effort into it. Keep going and good luck!
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Sounds interesting? Then please have a look and inform yourself further of the fantastic opportunity that is called the getaway club.

I discovered this only a few days ago and I have already received my first level payout! I intend to reinvest this and further payouts in the program to maximise returns.

Have a look here at the compensation plan and see how you can be paid for every one you sponsor into the program up to 5 (FIVE) levels!

The program sells itself and for a very low start up cost compared to the returns you stand to make I believe that every forward thinking person who wants an income stream to supplement what their regular jobs pay, should give this a go.

Satisfy your curiosity - examine the opportunity and I hope you decide to join and if you do please do so using this link -

Whatever you decide I wish you continued success in all you lay your hands on.

Every blessing

dental assistant

Online prescription glasses: do they get your prescription 100% accurate when they make the lenses??

For anyone who has purchased online prescription glasses:

Have any of you had the glasses checked by a local optometrist to find out if the online store got your prescription 100% correct?? What was the result? And did the optometrist charge you for this check?

If you have ordered glasses online, how do you know if they got your prescription 100% and didn't make a mistake somewhere when they made your lenses?

I get a lot of eye-strain and headaches so I really need my glasses to be spot-on with my prescription. I don't care how the glasses look, but I am fanatical about the online store making my lenses totally accurately to my prescription. I recently bought glasses online for the first time from (lenses don't seem quite right to me - the glasses are for reading but when I look 4 metres away the objects seem blurry - they don't when I'm using my 'real' glasses).

Also - any recommendations about online glasses stores??? Thanks!

Online prescription glasses: do they get your prescription 100% accurate when they make the lenses??
Why people want to buy something as personal as glasses online is beyond me; however, all opticals are held to ANSI prescription standards. What you may be experiencing is a material difference is what you have (previously) and what you bought online. A small percentage of people do not adapt to polycarbonate lenses as well as high index plastic. Most optical shops shouldnt charge you to verify your new glasses. and again, please forgive my opinion on online opticals- I am an optician and dont mind talking to people about their options for their glasses- which makes for better choices and happier customers.
Reply:Fortunately I have insurance and go to my Optometrist. Even the Optomologists are not great. I would check their guarantee policy before purchasing any eye wear on line.
Reply:I have used two online places to order my Rx'd eyeglasses, and both have been very accurate to the prescription. And spending $40-$60 pleased me very much as opposed to $400...

What people don't realize, or don't want you to know, is that machines do all the lensing work. Maybe a little hand polishing here and there, but the Rx's are ordered and then machined to shape. Yes, there are better lenses available here domestically, but unless you know for sure what you are getting, and are willing to pay, even buying locally is something of a crape shoot. I have heard so many horror stories with Lenscrafters alone...!

If you are truly fanatical, you should spend the $250+ dollars and have someone local do the work--if only for the reason that if they don't suit your high demands, you can take them back and demand a redo very easily, as they are local.

Zenni has mixed reviews--they are the cheapest of the cheap and many love them, others rant over their disasters with them., in Hong Kong, has a much better reputation, though they are more expensive that Zenni. I have been very happy with opticals4less--the work is outstanding.

Also if you ordered true reading glasses, you should not be able to see past 4 meters away, if that. If these are your regular prescription, that is a different matter. But if they are dedicated readers with only + power, and that is not your ideal prescription, expecting to see into the distance may not be totally practical...?
Reply:As far as I'm concerned, patients can do whatever the hell they want with their glasses prescription. If they think I'm too expensive, fine, get your glasses from Wally World or online. I really don't care, it's not worth it for me to haggle with "price conscious" shoppers. Just don't come whining to me with your cheap garbage glasses and expect me to fix it. Go back to Wally or your online retailer with your problems. If I have to check them to make sure some slack-jawed yokel made them correctly, you can bet I'll be charging you for it. If you need the crappy glasses adjusted, I'll be charging for that too.

Same goes for contacts. Buy from me and I'll be there to help you out if you get a bad set of lenses, or run out for some reason, or rip a pair. Buy online and have a problem? Go call 1800Contacts and ask them for free replacements.
Reply:Who really knows what kind of standards online opticals have. A lot of them could be a small group of ex-lab employees who are making these in someones basement.

I don't see how there is any accountability for those places.

Are they members of any optical association that has standards to be followed?...No one knows.

I can't understand wanting to buy something like that, that requires experience and precision , from strangers online, that you can't go to in case there is a problem.

You say those are reading glasses , and are blurry at 4 meters...well, that sounds very normal. Reading glasses aren't meant to see that far.

I'm not at all sure what you mean by your " real glasses"

As an Optician I take a lot of pride in doing an excellent job with the frame choice, the fit, and the precision of the optics I make for my patients.

An online store certainly can't do the job right without even having seen you.

Sorry , but I think online glasses is a ridiculous idea, and certainly not in the public interest.
Reply:Ha... I got my glasses from the same place...($39.00) And they are great!!! But I do enjoy the jealousy in the optician's we have here..... Come on guys... you know those online glasses are great, and by having an online business like that, you guys lose out on profit. We understand. However, some of us broke folk.....need more options.... Like the $39 dollar place. :)
Reply:i got my childrens glasses online. my kids tell me that they see fine with them. you can have you eye doc check to make sure if they are correct. here is where i got my kids glasses

Online degree in business??

Okay, I want to get my associates online in business, I need a school though that with getting my degree online I canbget tuitiion assistance or get grants, or student loan so i can pay it back after I get my degree.Also needs to be accredited of

Anyone know of any schools that have all of the above?

I would go to school but its tough,iam juggling seeing my son who is 9 months old and out of state with his mother,so i cant and dont really have the time to goto school,it needs to be online.

it can be a community college in the sacramento or northern california area or anywhere if i can register online and atleast knock out the basic classes online(english,math,etc) and always goto college once i finish the basics online.

Thanks ahead of time yall.

Online degree in business??
I found two for you to check out.

Have a good day
Reply:Penn Foster school online program

Why doesnot u check this. I think it is in california university of technology. Any way it's online. course like MBA, DBA, Dual degree as like it is listed.

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Where can i buy Cigarrettes online ?
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Reply:I´m going to london from barcelona in 2 weeks time, anyone interested in cartoons? what type of cigarrettes? contact me %26amp; we´ll meet Report It

Is online dating only good for average looking people?

I have a friend who started online dating. He is a good looking person but he doesn't seem to have any luck online dating. I keep telling him that you don't need online dating. My friend kinda gets bumped out sometimes because of this but I keep telling him that don't rely on online dating because sometimes it can be an illusion, the profiles can be fake, don't get bummed out.

Is online dating only for average looking people, is online dating sometimes fake? Is online dating a waste of time?

Is online dating only good for average looking people?
Depends on the site and depends on the person. Why dont they want to meet him? Maybe he isnt telling them enough about himself? Try different sites. But its not for everyone.

Good Luck

Anyone can get started online. Make sure you are groomed well, and take good photos. It also helps if you dont try too far out your league.
Reply:My husband and I met on eharmony. We are both good looking people. If your friend wants to try it then support him. He will go through alot of bad ones, mediocre ones and then possibly find the right one. I also have a few guy friends from the dating service. Maybe he will meet someone but they both realize they arent for each other but she knows someone who is for him. Who knows alot can happen.
Reply:Actually, finding people through dating websites is for people who can't find dates through regular channels, like bars and parties. It just gets your name out to a larger audience. He may as well try lots of different things to meet ladies besides just a dating web site. Sometimes they work and there are some attractive, genuine people out there. I know several people who met on, fell in love, and got married. But he needs to get involved in activities where he is around more people, like organizations, clubs, church, group vacations, just tell him to get out there and be with the people.
Reply:it can be fake unless u meet the person before u start going out with them and get to know them in person but just meeting them online isnt a waste of time.. and i dont understand what you mean by is it only for average looking people
Reply:I think it depends on where you live. I use to live in Sacramento California... on line dating was great for me (I'm shy), but here in Tulsa Oklahoma... on line dating is horrible.

dental implants

Online degree?

hi there, I am thinking to start sudying online for an online bachlores degree in economy.I am just not sure if I can trust so many universities and colleges whom offer degress online! They all state they have been credited by multiple goverment organizations.Which one should I trust? If I have an online degree is it going to have the same significance as any degree not taken online? Any suggestions for a good reputable college or university that offers an online degree in economy. Thanks a lot.

Online degree?
Please only stick with traditional colleges that offer courses online regardless of whether looking into economics or another major. It's a wise idea to steer clear from online, for profit schools such as university of phoenix, strayer, ITT tech and such. Former students of u of phoenix started this site:

For US colleges:

Online streaming tv? Are the live or prerecorded stuff shown over and over??

What is all these streaming online tv's? Do they broadcast what you would see on regular t.v.'s? When I came across these, I was thinking.... this is way better than cable or satellite at home, because there tv is free online with bunches of channel. Now I started to think, there's no way that these streaming online tv's are the same as home broadcast tv, because that would put cable and satellite out of business, so... can someone clarify this for me. What is online streaming t.v.? Is this really live t.v. online???? And can someone list some good online tv streaming sites????

Online streaming tv? Are the live or prerecorded stuff shown over and over??
I know is realtime because at times I have turned on my TV to compare and it was same content, internet adds just a little delay. but it works for me.
Reply:Usually if it is live streaming than it is about 1-5 minutes behind, in broadcasting. If it's just streaming it may be prerecorded. Most of the the free online stuff is prerecorded and don't offer the best channels or they are in another language. If you pay for it, then I believe most of the channels are live, online tv to pc is just catching on for some and I don't believe it will take over cable/satellite just yet because some people still don't have computers. I hope this helps a little
Reply:yes they are prerecorded not live

Online html editors or website builders not tied to hosting ?

are there any online html editors (or website builders or anything) that are not tied to hosting?

example: is there ANY online way to edit a page on my site hosted on godaddy (except use of godaddy's own lame system) ????

if the website builders and templates and all that stuff is ONLY a FEATURE of a hosting service, then why all the big promotion of the 'website builders' and 'online html editors' by independent parties?

with all the yelling about "online" this and that and "web 2.0", is the situation truly that in order to edit my godaddy hosted sites i must either use their lame/lousy online tools or be tied to my own computer hard drive? There is NO OTHER online/web-based solution for editing html pages???? TIA for any clarification

Online html editors or website builders not tied to hosting ?
I have never seen any tools hoasted online, and if they are I doubt they are free. Dreamweaver is not that expensive and is a very powerfull, and easy to use. I would strongly recommend it if you are looking to build your website.

Online programs?

I am stay-at-home mom with twins. I want to get a certificate in Medical Transcription through online because it allows me to work through home. I don't know if its a good idea or not to enroll in online schools. The reason I want to attend online school bcause I don't have no one to leave my twins at; therefore, online degree is a good idea. My husband disagrees with it because it has to do with "online" degree. On the other hand, I don't I think its acceptable and it will give me an opporunity to work onces am done. What do you think of an online schools and what school do you think I should enroll with for Medical Transcription.


Online programs?
Medical Transcription, in itself, is not a degree. Therefore it is not necessary to attend a traditional college.

Most employers require years of experience or graduation from an 'approved' school.

AHDI is the Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity - (formerly known as the American Association for Medical Transcription). AHDI sets the standards for MT courses. Employers know that graduates of these 'approved' courses have gained the skills necessary to begin their career as an MT.

If your looking into Medical Transcription pay the extra in tuition to attend an 'approved' school. The top three schools are Career Step, Andrews, and M-Tec. Any one of these schools will be a great choice! Attending any other school would be a waste of your time and money. Many people have received training through inadequate programs only to find out that they are unable to find a job.

I attended Career Step and recieved a job (at-home) less than a week after graduating. I've received several more job offers since, but have stuck with my original employer. It can be a difficult job, but I love it!

I recommend CS because they are partnered with MANY employers, self-paced (you can finish in a few months or take as long as over a year or two), and more affordable than the other top 2 courses. Plus, I have personal experience (and success) with the program.

The SUM program is a specific set of dictations that a lot of schools use to train MTs. CS feels that the SUM tapes can become out-dated easily and are not often updated.

CS does not use the SUM tapes. The dictations that are used in the Career Step course are actual doctor dictated reports that are acquired from transcription companies. These dictations are ones that actual transcriptionists are working on in the field. They are updated frequently, so students are getting hands-on practice in the most up-to-date reports with up-to-date terminology.

Attending your local community college will give you a good chance at a job in-house, but if you are wanting to work from home, an online 'approved' course is the way to go. Be sure to do your research BEFORE signing up for any school. The AHDI should be your first stop. I'll put the link below. Just search for 'approved' schools.

CS does offer financial aid and payment plans. :)

Good luck!

Feel free to e-mail me if you have any additional questions! :)
Reply:Please be very wary of online, for profit programs. Previous students of university of phoenix started this site: Similar schools to watch out for are strayer, devry, kaplan, kieser, capella. Penn foster and stratford career are other schools that were complained about on this site: and search 'penn foster' or such.

I would instead look at the local community college(s), perhaps the non-credit course, and see if they offer online classes providing that it's accredited within the industry. The county vo-tech school may be quite affordable though don't know if they offer online classes. Please stay away from expensive private schools.

For US colleges:

dental school

Online html editors or website builders not tied to hosting ?

are there any online html editors (or website builders or anything) that are not tied to hosting?

example: is there ANY online way to edit a page on my site hosted on godaddy (except use of godaddy's own lame system) ????

if the website builders and templates and all that stuff is ONLY a FEATURE of a hosting service, then why all the big promotion of the 'website builders' and 'online html editors' by independent parties?

with all the yelling about "online" this and that and "web 2.0", is the situation truly that in order to edit my godaddy hosted sites i must either use their lame/lousy online tools or be tied to my own computer hard drive? There is NO OTHER online/web-based solution for editing html pages???? TIA for any clarification

Online html editors or website builders not tied to hosting ?
I have never seen any tools hoasted online, and if they are I doubt they are free. Dreamweaver is not that expensive and is a very powerfull, and easy to use. I would strongly recommend it if you are looking to build your website.

ONLINE DATING - what are some fun things to do online with someone?

I have a Wonderful Christian Fieonce who lives in the Philippines however, I live in the United States...

I Enjoy talking to her threw Instant Messager and we see each other threw the online Cam - Towards the end of this year I will be able to fly down there and GET HER(take her home with me) to be my WONDERFUL WIFE...

But before then I have been trying to think of some interesting things to do with her online that are FUN -

What are some FUN things to do online besides what we already do which is :

1. Go to church online

2. Play Yahoo Games with each other online

What are some more interesting and FUN things to do?

Thank you

ONLINE DATING - what are some fun things to do online with someone?
Wow, beyond what you have already listed, I can't think of anything really. How about buying each other a gift on eBay (limit how much spent) with the idea that you want to send them something they think the other would truly love.

How about a mutual blog in planning the wedding? That way when the date is close, you can break out your list with all the flower type, colors, location etc. all ready.
Reply:Well you can:

1. Go to an online movie.

2. Toast marshmallows on an online fire

3. Sit on an online couch and hold virtual reality hands

4. Share an on-line malted milk

Appearing Online to Only my Contact List/Stealth Mode problem.?

When I appear online only to 1 person it says offline to all my contacts, and online to everyone else. I deleted someone and know she still has me cuz she clicks on links in my status. I have trackers on my personal page. I do not want to block her or the others I deleted. But when I only want to appear online to one person I do not want to be online to people I deleted. I did the profile thing where it does not show when I am online but my yahoo still says online to everyone else. How can I only appear online to people on my contact list? Especially when I only want to appear online to a few people in the world not all those I deleted.

Appearing Online to Only my Contact List/Stealth Mode problem.?
If I'm not mistaken, you need to set your preferences to sign on as invisible as yur default. Then when ever you sign on, no one will see you're on. At that point you can then use the stealth option for each contact that you want to see that yur actually on.

I use this all the time actually.

I never sign in as visible, mainly for the same reasons you state. I have ppl I've deleted but I know they still have me on their list. If I go visible to all, they'll IM me and I'd rather just not talk to them. Granted I guess I could actually iggy them when they do contact me.

But anyways, that's what you need to do.

Online Dating Opinions??

Does anyone else share this opinion of online dating. I am an attractive 22 year old woman who has been dating online for the past few months. I have been on quite a few dates and get quite a few emails. Out of ten emails I might respond to one. I just find that there is something missisng with online dating and am wondering if anyone else feels the same way. I feel that any guy I choose will be the same guy every girl chooses because of looks, success, whatever so when I go out with an attractive guy online I feel like I am his 11th date of the day and in competition with every other girl on the site. I know this might be true in real life dating too but I think this feeling is magnified with online dating. When I do go out with a guy more than once I get the feeling like it is only a matter of time before another online girl comes along. I am also getting the feeling that any attractive guy on there is only looking for quick sex.

The whole thing is just strange and I'm finding it difficult to really keep any lasting connections because I have no connection whatsoever to these guys in real life. I feel like online dating would work if I was ok dating unattractive men but because I'm attractive I am looking for an attractive guy. Is this making sense to anyone? Does anyone else feel this way? I want to hear others experiences / opinions.

Online Dating Opinions??
at ur age, u should be able to meet guys through work, school, or other friends. most guys ur age who are good looking and have a good personality will not need to pay for online dating. u might find someone good looking, but he may be weird, which is why he's doing online. when u get ALOT older, online is ok, because u don't have the same access to people u do at ur age. u need to get out more.

dental insurance

Online College Courses?

How are online college courses taken? What are they exactly? How do you apply, online? What kind of classes can you take or have to take? ..Credits? ..Tuitions? ..Scholarships? Do you go to class for online courses? Do you do all your work online and submit them through online as well? ~Sorry for the lame questions, I'm just curious.

And for those who has taken online classes, how do you like it? Do you prefer to take online college courses or go to regular college?

Online College Courses?
Last summer I took 3 courses online at a local community college and mind you this was my first time ever taking courses online. Anyway, since these courses were taken during the summer the pace was accelerated. They lasted 6 weeks. It was a lot of work. You have to stay organized and prioritize. Remember you don't have to go to class anymore so you may have the urge to slack off. DON'T!!!!!!! You will regret it if you do because you will have a $h!t load of work at the end of the semester. I spent 4 hours a day studying for my classes. On the weekends, I got up early in the morning to start my assignments. I made up a bi-weekly schedule to stay on type of my school work and personal engagements. I work full-time so I had to prioritize. Don't get me wrong I loooooooooooved online classes. I wish I could take all my classes online. Its convenient I can go to class in my pjs. However, since I've transferred to a 4 year university I've to take telecourses, which means you have even less contact with your instructor.

Online dating??

Does anyone else share this opinion of online dating. I am an attractive 22 year old woman who has been dating online for the past few months. I have been on quite a few dates and get quite a few emails. Out of ten emails I might respond to one. I just find that there is something missisng with online dating and am wondering if anyone else feels the same way. I feel that any guy I choose will be the same guy every girl chooses because of looks, success, whatever so when I go out with an attractive guy online I feel like I am his 11th date of the day and in competition with every other girl on the site. I know this might be true in real life dating too but I think this feeling is magnified with online dating. When I do go out with a guy more than once I get the feeling like it is only a matter of time before another online girl comes along. I am also getting the feeling that any attractive guy on there is only looking for quick sex.

The whole thing is just strange and I'm finding it difficult to really keep any lasting connections because I have no connection whatsoever to these guys in real life. I feel like online dating would work if I was ok dating unattractive men but because I'm attractive I am looking for an attractive guy. Is this making sense to anyone? Does anyone else feel this way? I want to hear others experiences / opinions.

Online dating??
That's dating in general. Even when you meet up with folks the usual way - parties, through friends, at work - it's a chance. Always.

What you hope to do when you're dating is find someone that has the same world view, the same outlook on life - and the spark. Online dating gives you a larger pool of individuals to draw from.

If you're going for the guys that all women would want - it doesn't matter where or how you're meeting them - the issues remain the same.
Reply:Hey I would like to recommend this website called its a really good online dating site..hah i got laid on it :)

%26lt;a href=""... Report It

Reply:My man and I met online and have been together for six years but it really depends. Maybe you are choosing the wrong sites for what you are looking for. There is a big difference between Adult Friend Finder and eHarmony, if you know what I mean.

Also, if you are "attractive" and looking for "attractive" then what do you think they are looking for.....the next, more "attractive" person? Do you want a relationship or are you interested in what people think about the guy on your arm?

Take a good look around you at couples that you know....I bet there is at least one, where one partner is a lot more "attractive" than the what made them hookup? Obviously something deeper than "attractive" or "good looking".

Some things to think about.

Shine on
Reply:you should put the online dating on hold
Reply:You have a valid point. Men love going out with as many girls as they can its sheer volume of conquests that counts , sorry but thats the way they are programmed.

So before the internet they would have to venture out to a bar find someone buy them a drink and all that.

Whereas now all the legwork is taken out and alot of the early stages of a relationship is got over with quickly online. ie the talking. plus you can cast more baited hooks at the same time.

Its just a tool so guys can date more and faster.

When I say date i really mean get laid cuz we all know thats the end result.

Thats the harsh reality but if you are hot yourself then they shouldnt want to look any further.
Reply:I met my husband on line .. Not on a dating service though it was random IM'ing ... It was very hollow and I wasn't too thrilled with that relationship but once we met I fell in love and got married!
Reply:I also do the online dating thing and I only e-mail/talk to one girl at a time if there is similar interest then I take it from there.... I do agree with you on the points you made, Just think of it this way, the guy you meet is on a date with you because he is interested in you... Conversation is key and the only way a relationship will work.
Reply:Attractive is only skin deep..... and a matter of opinion...... happiness %26amp; true love are blind..... a relationship based on physical appearance is hollow, shallow %26amp; not likely to experience happily ever after.
Reply:I tried both and yahoo personals and would say I understand your feeling. I think many people who go there are looking for "a good time", and not to meet a real woman for a long term relationship. It felt very meat market-ish. And, I really didn't like the guys talking about sex so soon, as many did...ewww, you're a stranger, and I'm not a prostitute! I'm a regular person...

I really liked the ads for eHarmony, and decided to give them a try because I was having trouble meeting someone in real life--I'm in my mid 30's, and by this time, most men are married or other wise involved, I don't go to bars ro clubs, or belong to church, and the guys I meet at work are much younger than I am due to the nature of my job. Long story short, I met the man of my dreams within a month--he's the only guy I spoke to--there is no competition, because you can't search fro anyone--they do it and match you. You have no hand in that part. I'm getting married in February, and I can honestly tell you, I never would have met him without them. As it turned out, I went to high school with him 20 years ago, and we lived with 2 miles of each other since then, and never crossed paths! Thank God for them, otherwise my life would not be nearly as wonderful as it is now.
Reply:it is normal in internet world
Reply:thats the problem with online dating.. u don't really know if ur his #2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or whatever... and its a bit risky too... imgine dating someone who u haven't met in person.. just a name... don't even know how or what he feels towards u... the best dating preferences is up close and personal...
Reply:i had a boyfriend with whom we were together for 3 years and i met him online first. but after a few online chats we met in real life and thus it was very different. i think online dating is only good for the reason that the pressure on you to go up to someone and say hi and start talking is gone, it is very easy to make contacts online.

the guys you date online are probably very different in real life. on the internet, everybody behaves differently because it's so easy to say anything to someone you don't see, there are no consequences. you wrote that you have the impression that they are only looking for quick sex and this confirms what i say...

my advice is to go on a date with them in real life. it's okay to get to know each other online but later it doesn't go anywhere
Reply:I completely agree with ya. I quit doing the online dating thing. Never was into the bar scene dating thing either.

I figure, if its meant to be it will be if its not i need to quit seeking after it.
Reply:Yes, I feel the same way, but from a guy's perspective... I don't think any of the girls I went out with were looking for quick sex. If they were, I guess I missed the clues.

It is definitely strange, and I never made any lasting connections when I tried it either. Although I got contacts for various reasons, there were several girls who didn't care about me, they only cared about my stats or my looks.

Its impossible to connect with somebody trying to "specify" a date... it lacks the spark that makes a relationship work. E-mails don't really help because that is a relationship with a computer...

The funniest date I had was with the prettiest girl. She didn't have much on her profile, and she didn't (maybe couldn't) read mine... we decided to grab a drink instead of e-mailing, but we had absolutely nothing in common except our looks... it would've been a terrible date if it hadn't been so funny. I'm an engineer; she was unemployed and living with her parents. I enjoy philosophy, she was obsessed with the basketball game that was on. I tried several times to strike up an intelligent conversation, but she thought that everything I was interested in was boring. Maybe she was tired from all the internet dates she'd been on that night.

The more successful dates were with the less attractive girls. They seemed to enjoy the date more, and with no offense to pretty girls, they seemed to be more intelligent. I went out with a PhD candidate, and an international auditor. I enjoyed the dates, but I suppose my superficial desires overshadowed my intellectual desires, and the connections faded qickly.

I felt exactly as you described - the pretty girls were almost certainly getting clicked on nonstop by every guy looking for a pretty girl (which is every guy)... I don't like that kind of competitive environment... it isn't natural.

It almost worked for me once though... I had already met the girl through friends. She's attractive, intelligent, and has a great sense of humor... I saw her on the internet and I clicked her profile... she was coming over for a dinner party later that month anyway. The dinner party went great, and we had good chemistry together. We e-mailed back and forth for a while, and made plans for a date. She had to cancel because her ex husband dropped their son off and she couldn't get a sitter. After that we tried to make plans again, but nothing came together. I wasn't the only guy talking to her and now she's getting pretty serious with the guy who won the competition.

I eventually gave up and moved to Saudi Arabia... I'm starting to think that was a mistake. My advice is to not join a convent, but rather, try another venue for dating.
Reply:the best bet to avoid "online" dating is to not do it. Try and meet right away for a coffee and make the online part only a spark not the end-all. Real dating is done in the real world.


PS. men are dogs (online and off...;0)
Reply:I can see your point. I originally joined eharmony because of this. That way I couldn't go shopping for guys based on looks. They would be sent to me based on compatibility. I haven't met anyone from that sight, I actually met my current boyfriend on another one. We talked online and on the phone for a bit before we met in person. I was a little nervous, since he was so good looking and seemed to have the perfect personality. We are having a wonderful relationship so far! I think the most important thing is to go with your gut. There is only one Mr. right out there, that is why all these other guys aren't doing the trick and you are so paranoid about them. When you do meet Mr. Right, he will be different from all the other ones. You won't really know why, but he will stand out to you! Best wishes!
Reply:Yes, it is odd, but can be fun and an experience of lifetime. The guy probably feels the same way- he's on his 11th date as well. And you are in competition, that's why you are on a dating service. LOL If another gal/guy comes along, then it wasn't right. (7 times out of 10 they are looking for a 'quicky' LOL). Remain true to yourself. Just have fun, enjoy company, don't take too seriously. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. If it doesn't feel right, then move on. I am now 45. I met my now husband on line dating service. True story!

It took a lot of frogs to meet "my prince", the site was called emode. I was on 6 different services, and dating 3 men at one time. I had a ball! Went out after chatting online for minimum of 2 weeks.

I had a lot of fun! went out with guys that had like interests/hobbies. (service matches you up once you fill out questionaires as you know). My girlfriend is on eharmony. I have explained to her do not take seriously. She has a habit of attaching herself too quickly and allows herself to be hurt/used.

If on a 'date' and it doesn't feel right, thank him for his time and leave. I always had backup. I would meet person at restaurant, (a friend and her beau would be there- just in case- can never be too careful). )Never ever have him pick you up, always meet at a public place.

Take your time. There is no rush. The right one will come along.
Reply:Because you are attractive you are looking for an attractive guy? Wow, you stay out of the deep end of the pool, don't you?
Reply:You obviously need to try online dating me! I'll have you within the second email ;)
Reply:I am good looking and intellegent, and funny as hell, and I still have the same problem that you and almost everyone else has. Online dating is stupid.

As for the girls that say that all guys are dogs, thats funny, we probably are.

This one time I dated this girl and I talked to her online all the time and always had the perfect things to say to her, but when I hung out with her I couldn't even talk to her cause she was so gourgeuos, she was an 11. Lucky for me she had a bigger chrush on me than I did on her. She just sat on my lap and started sticking her tongue down my throat. But for some reason even after making out with this girl I was still deathly afraid to talk to her offline. I have never to this day experienced anything quite like that again.

That is why I stopped dating online, because you have so much time to plan everything out and you get comfotable with interacting that way. When trying to talk to a person who is practically in love with you in person seems too scary to bare and you even end up avoiding the person in public so you can talk to them online and that is the only thing that works for you, something went wrong along the way.

Damn I miss that girl.