Monday, May 4, 2009

Online Boyfriends?

Hey guys! :

I recently have gotten a lot of news from my friends that they have online boyfriends. They meet them on chat lines, or chat rooms, or wherever people gather around. Even online games as well. One of my friends has been doing this serious flirting with this guy who asked her to be his "online girlfriend", but thats about it, because they live in separate parts of the world. Do you think it's a good idea? She already has a boyfriend, and I keep telling her it's a bad idea either way. She insists that it's not a big deal, and it's only online, and that he will never find out. What's the best way to convince her from making a big mistake that will ruin her relationship? Or do you think now a days it's ok to have a little fun online once in a while?



Online Boyfriends?
I don't think it's a good idea, but you can't stop someone else from making a mistake. You can tell her you don't think it's a good idea, but you can only control yourself.

Online or not, it's a commitment of sorts and I don't think it's appropriate if she's commited to someone already.
Reply:Hello there...........I think it's a little okay to have a little fun as we girls don't really know what are our boyfriends doing behind our back..........right??????????
Reply:It's not a good idea, be it online or not. It can eventually ruin her relationship. She should show a little more respect towards her boyfriend. In your case, you already told her so it seems you're doing your part as a friend. Sorry to say, if she doesn't want to stop you can't force her.
Reply:now way is that a good idea at all! a boyfriend is a boyfriend no matter what. She already has a real boyfriend so why does she need one online that doesn't live near her

you cant convince her to not date him she will just have to realize the mistake herself and learn from it.
Reply:having fun and cheating on your boyfriend are two totally different things in themselves. emotional attachment of any form is cheating and in my own opinion the worse kind of cheating. tell her she needs to grow up and realize the internet isint reality and if the internet is worth her realtionship then tell her to keep it up. any guy who is willing to take that isint the kind of guy who will be around in the long run. but who knows if shes having internet flings perhaps thats what she wants.
Reply:I think an online boyfriend is self-deceiving but probably addicting for girls due to the thrill of the anonymity. I think your friends have self-esteem or identity problems since they're resorting to online dating. I suggest they overcome any insecurities they may have and find a local guy.
Reply:The best way to show her it will be harmful to her real relationship is if she were in her real boyfriend's shoes. Pretty much if he was chatting up and pretending to be a hot blonde's online boyfriend and keeping it from her. I mean I'm sure she wouldn't find that too amusing, more like hurt and very jealous. Not only that but tell her that even though the other person may be very far away, she can still be hurting someone's feelings. I have been in a situation like this myself twice. Some people on the net build up these sudden feelings even though the other person just thinks its a game and fun. But its not at all. One of the guys I was supposedly trying to be friends with went as far as to say as he was committing suicide over me and even cutting himself. Then the other guy said I was always rejecting him and he went so far as to put some booter thing up and was sending me annoying messages all of which was calling me foul names. You are most welcome to share these bits of stories with your friend. Because online is no joke, I mean some people are smart enough to be able to hack into others computers and get her phone number and house address and other stuff. Tell her these things as well. No one needs a stalker or be threatened.

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