Saturday, November 14, 2009

Online Dating - Has anyone had a boyfriend or girlfriend online?

I am Just curious if anyone has met some people from online or had an online boyfrined or girlfriend before.I had an online boyfriend %26amp; he move from Texas to Pennsylvania %26amp; we are married :-) It would probably bore you if I said how this came about.Anyway I have met two people on here. One was nice %26amp; everyone wanted me to go out with him cause he lived an hour away from me but I only liked him as a friend.Then I met My husband we had sent pictures over the computer %26amp; we decided to meet. Ok I will tell you.we met online on a program called Firetalk Which after I started talking to him it didn't exsit anymore.We talked on the internet for hours %26amp; the first time he called me was when 9/11 went on.He thought maybe a plan had went down near me or something %26amp; wanted to know if I was alright.He came up April for my birthday 2002,Then August 2002 %26amp; Ended up staying.Got Married June 14th 2003.Theres more too the story but I only get so much to right.Yeah I know sounds boring but oh well :-p

Online Dating - Has anyone had a boyfriend or girlfriend online?
I'm glad it worked out for you.
Reply:I had a few. Every one of them ended in disaster. Except for the last one. I was sick of trying and was going to give up that night, but I saw his personal on craigslist. We emailed and talked for 3 weeks before we actually met. (And he lived less than a mile from where I lived!) We got married 2 months later...and still happily married over 2 years later!
Reply:i always wanted to do that never got the chance !! so i posted an ad on 'npsari'!! still havnt received any replies yet !! i think its the way i write things

people! go reply my ad !! the first lucky girls will get a free dinner :P
Reply:I met my then bf in a chat site call Talkcity. I'm from Malaysia and he's from Canada. The time difference was 12 hours but he's a night crawler so I will be taking to him everyday from 10pm his time till about 2am (the earliest). Too make story short, we just got married 3 weeks ago ;)
Reply:i have 2 years online boyfriends but its not working for me we just broke up last month long distance realtionship its not easy... anyways good for you and Good Luck
Reply:Met my hubby online.

We actually met on a car forum just talking/goofing around/being bored....and just clicked.

Our relationship is GREAT!!!! I can't imagine EVER findind another person who I could have such a great relationship with!!! He is so perfect!!!

The internet is an amazing thing...bringing LOTS of couples together these days, lol
Reply:Three years ago, when I was just 12, I had my first e-mail ad and tried yahoo messenger. I went to a chat room and someone pm me, flirting and asking if I had a girlfriend and I said no. She asked my age and I said I was seventeen. She said she was sixteen and she showed me her body (not nude, no malice) via web cam. Then after hours of flirts and chats, she asked me to be her girl. I said yes and thats it.

Too bad I had to delete my email ad a week later because I had a stalker who kept mailing me and a ton of junk mails
Reply:I met my fiance in a yahoo chatroom. he's from MA and I'm from AR. He just recently moved here so we could be together and everything has been perfect ever since!! my mom also met my stepdad online and they seem to have a wonderful marriage.
Reply:Met mine on a game, was totally against online dating, never done it. However, I met him and we fell in love, met 4 weeks after first chatting on msn messenger and now..we're getting married in 50 days!!

Best of luck!
Reply:Even if you have marriage on line there are 100% cheating chances. Please go slow.
Reply:Yup! I met my husband seven years ago on Yahoo Personals (I was 17 and in high school, he was 21). He actually replied to me and my best friend. I told her he was mine and we've been together ever since. He only lived an hour away from me though, not out of state. We've been married for almost two years now and are expecting our first child September 3rd!

He's the only one I've met in person from online chatting. My brother, however, hasn't had such great luck. He's been dating the same girl for almost three years now and I can't stand her (they met online as well). She's verbally and physically abusive towards him even though he's over 6 ft tall and she's just over 5 ft. I don't understand it but can't do anything about it except hope he doesn't decide to marry her!

Congrats to you!
Reply:The last two serious boyfriends had digital starts. One was on a message board that I posted to and we started talking offline and figured out we had a lot in common and pursued that for a while. The last one I was introduced to through a friend but as he was in Atlanta and I was in the 3rd circle of hell (don't ask lol) we chatted online first and have been a couple ever since. Unfortunately now he's deployed to Iraq but he's most definitely a keeper.
Reply:have met a few guys for a drink that i met online but it has never turned into everything. I believe that you can fall in love with a person before you meet them however that is only if you believe that the person is honest!! I have not given up on the whole online dating thing. I might be lucky and meet the man i spend the rest of my life with.
Reply:Well it doesnt sound boring to me and Im so glad to hear it. I am currently involved in a relationship with a man I met online. He's from another country and we fell in love before meeting in person. After meeting he asked me to marry him and I said yes. We are getting married this summer. Its difficult to explain to someone who hasnt experienced it, how you can fall in love without meeting him in person. Before that happened we were talking on webcam and telephone 5 to 6 hours a day. Mine is also a long story and if you want to email me I would love to swap stories with you. For me this is truly a fairy tale come true. Congrats
Reply:I met my husband online in a chatroom when we both we're Seniors in High School. We met right after graduation. He came to see me for 2 weeks and I came back with him for 2 weeks. After I had to leave him I knew I couldn't live without him. I cried the entire flight home! When I got home that night and called him his first words we're "I want you to come back" so the next week I found myself on a Greyhound for 24 hours moving 800 miles away from my family to be with him! Been here ever since!
Reply:yeah me! im going to get married in 2 months with my boyfriend i met online! hes going to come all the way from NY to texas to be w me. ive never been this happy!! congrats to u!

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