Monday, May 4, 2009

ONLINE Associates Degree, is it any good????

I am not ready for a 4 year college and I also want to get past the 2 year community college ordeal. I know online bachelors degrees are pretty iffy- a friend I know at her job after GWU told me they basically just ignore resumes with online bachelors degrees- but if get an online associates and plan to get a bachelors NOT online will I have any problems?? Does that go smoothly or will some universitys not accept me with an online associates?? Should I just suck it up and go to community college?? Any info would be great!

ONLINE Associates Degree, is it any good????
If you do an online associate degree, it must be from a fully accredited college in order for your credits to be accepted by a four-year college.

Some online schools say they are accredited but the accrediting association is actually a sham. A college needs to be accredited by a regional accrediting body. This site has links to the regional accrediting associations:

I was a college administrator for 28 years before I retired and it is my opinion that you will get much more benefit from actually attending college rather than getting a degree online. However, if your online college is accredited by one of the six regional accrediting associations, your credits will be accepted by a four-year college provided you take courses that are applicable to the degree and major you pursue.

Reply:It's not necessarily obvious that a degree is from an online program. For instance, I'm doing my master's online through Penn State. My diploma and transcript won't look any different from any other Penn State student's; the online nature of the program isn't noted anywhere. And Penn State is not a "sham" school. ;-)

Your friend whose employer "ignores resumes with online bachelors degrees" is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. She'd be better off evaluating the school from which the degree was earned, the same as with face-to-face degrees.

However, as others have noted, online degrees are MORE work than face-to-face degrees. You need MORE self-discipline and initiative, there's MORE reading/writing involved, and it takes MORE of your time. If you don't think you're ready for all that, you're better off in face-to-face classes where there's more structure provided for you and more personal contact. It doesn't have to be an ordeal. ;-)
Reply:You may want to check if your community college has online classes ... mine did. They also have TV classes which means you buy videos from the bookstore which teach you about astronomy or what have you. I'd go that route if you can -- most totally online colleges are scams and are actually profit-making enterprises.
Reply:A degree from an accredited institution is a degree from an accredited institution, no matter how it is earned. However, keep in mind - has an Associate's Degree ever gotten someone a good job?

Also remember that you are almost required to do double the work for an online degree. It is much easier to go to the classroom.

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