Monday, May 4, 2009

ONLINE DATING - what are some fun things to do online with someone?

I have a Wonderful Christian Fieonce who lives in the Philippines however, I live in the United States...

I Enjoy talking to her threw Instant Messager and we see each other threw the online Cam - Towards the end of this year I will be able to fly down there and GET HER(take her home with me) to be my WONDERFUL WIFE...

But before then I have been trying to think of some interesting things to do with her online that are FUN -

What are some FUN things to do online besides what we already do which is :

1. Go to church online

2. Play Yahoo Games with each other online

What are some more interesting and FUN things to do?

Thank you

ONLINE DATING - what are some fun things to do online with someone?
Wow, beyond what you have already listed, I can't think of anything really. How about buying each other a gift on eBay (limit how much spent) with the idea that you want to send them something they think the other would truly love.

How about a mutual blog in planning the wedding? That way when the date is close, you can break out your list with all the flower type, colors, location etc. all ready.
Reply:Well you can:

1. Go to an online movie.

2. Toast marshmallows on an online fire

3. Sit on an online couch and hold virtual reality hands

4. Share an on-line malted milk

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