Monday, May 4, 2009

Online employment agencies?

My bf has been looking for a job for a while, and although he has signed up to about 6 online agencies, and about 2 in a walk in agency, he has still nto had any luck finding a job.

He applies everyday for jobs online and never hears anything back, When i was out of work i had the same problem.

I was just wondering, does employment agencies online do the candidates look lazy or something?

I have never heard of people that join online agencies ever get a job through them...Does a sent C.V. %26amp; covering letter through the mail look better than just uploading your C.V online?

Online employment agencies?
most agencies on line and walk in are a joke, god knows how many i signed up with i forget but my most recent agency keeps sending me to a firm i cannot stand working in, i hate some of the fellow workers and everytime i ask for somewhere else my line boss tells me they have nothing else on their books. an agency cannot survive with one client. what would really help is a good hand written reference. it done the trick for me
Reply:No, I just think people are having a hard time getting jobs right now.
Reply:I have never heard of an "online agency". Are you meaning a job board, such as Monster?

I am a recruiter and I advertise vacancies on both Monster and on specialist job boards which relate to the industry in which I work. I never, ever receive any good applications through either source. I always put the minimum requirements that candidates must have, and people ignore them. For example, I have a job advertised at the moment which needs several years' marketing experience, but most of the applications have come from recent graduates. I have another job where I need someone who speaks fluent French or German, and none of the applicants do. So sorry for the rant, but what I am trying to say is, make sure he is applying for jobs which he is actually qualified to do.

It depends on the type of work he is looking for, but I would suggest that traditional agencies are the way to go. Sign up with a couple more if he is not having any luck with the ones he is already with.
Reply:I have a team of 24 under me so as you could imagine I have to post and receive a lot of job applications. I primarily use, it would be the best one for your bf to use. Here are some hints to help stand out. 1. Always attach a cover letter appropriate to that job, not a generic letter for all jobs, it shows you have taken the time to read the advert and your not just applying for any old thing. 2. Make sure the cover letter is short and to the point, start with a little about yourself then what your experience is to date and then why you would like to work for that organisation 3. Your CV must look presentable, try adding some pictures of yourself or were you have worked before. 4. Wait 2-3 days then ring to make sure they have received your application, this shows you are keen as hell which is a real plus. The point to all this is unless a persons gets my attention in there initial application they will never make it to the interview stage so you have to do things that differentiate you from every other Tom, Dick %26amp; Harry. I hope this will help your BF out i know how frustrating it can be trying to find the right job. Best of luck
Reply:hi check this link its useful


Reply:Lol I had the same problem. I used the online agencies to find the jobs in the first place. Then I tried to find the jobs elsewhere eg by looking directly on the companies website. I then applied for the job that way. I think it does look better if you send a cv and letter in. It suggests you've put a bit more thought and effort into it. Keep going and good luck!
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Every blessing

dental assistant

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