Saturday, April 17, 2010

TCF Online Banking- Their balance is wrong!?

Ok, I'm totally confused because I just logged into my TCF bank account online. It said my balance was $1,319.70 including pending transactions.

So I went through my check book and subtracted any outstanding checks that I have and any amounts I intend to spend before I deposit any more money and my calculator said -$91.38!!!

I knew there was NO way this could be. So I took the balance ($1,319.70) and added all transactions that were already showing online as posted. Then I subtracted my latest deposits, all dating back until the 19th, which was the last time I have a slip showing my last known balance. (TCF doesn't do a running balance online, only shows the current balance).

Anyways, through careful memory I realized that "negative" $91.38 was actually 3 seperate transactions from yesterday and today ($82.17, $8.21, and $1 hold from a gas station).

So, why does it say online that my balance is as of 5/23/07 10:45 PM but it is not showing those transactions?

TCF Online Banking- Their balance is wrong!?
You're in luck. I use to work for TCF. The online banking is a day behind. I believe they update your transactions at midnight so your balance will have transactions deducted that aren't posted in detail til the following day. I just logged on tonight to check my account and it's all messed up so I think they may be having computer problems because when I usually log on it shows me transactions I did on my card right away and all I have to do to balance my account is subtract checks I wrote from the balance. Tonight they are not showing up. Hope this helps.
Reply:Online banking isn't always as immediate as most people think. In some cases, yes. Transactions you make today will be there right now but not always. So don't make the mistake of counting on what your computer says you have in your account because your computer can have issues too.

I use Bank of America and have seen a deposit one month show up by the time I get home and yet sometimes it won't show up for 24 hours, sometimes 48!!

Since tomorrow is a business day, my bet is that those missing transactions will appear in your online statement sometime after noon EST.

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